Are you looking to break free from the monotony of autopilot living, overcome the overwhelming grip of your challenges, and embark on a journey of self-improvement? Do you have a strong desire to explore wellness tools, nourishment, and transformative practices?

You’re Invited

Sun, May 19th, 2024

1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Funk & Flow Studio, Fort Lauderdale, 33305, FL

Let go of the notion you 'need to' constantly do more, keep busy, seek validation from others, achieve tirelessly, and relentlessly strive for perfection. Embrace your inherent 'need for' change, acceptance, renewal, introspection, hope, and emotional safety.

Victoria Bravo, FNTP

Holistic Wellness

I specialize in assisting individuals self-identify the barriers that impede their journey towards achieving an excellent quality of life. Our bodies possess an innate ability to heal; often, we just need to overcome our own obstacles and remove them. My purpose is to guide people in navigating and transcending these hindrances, allowing them to harness the inherent capacity for well-being within themselves.

Stop scrolling on social media for the latest diet fad and get the personalized plan you deserve.

Common, Not Normal

  • -Liz, Pembroke Pines FL

    When I started working with you, I knew I’d receive guidance and support, but what I didn’t know was the level of guidance and support; The amount has surpassed all of my expectations. After completing the detox, I lost 20 pounds of inflammation and fat, as well as several inches all over my body. It wasn’t easy to become disciplined with cutting out certain foods, but with your support and understanding, I was able to create a new lifestyle where I feel good every day. No more allergies, no more chronic fatigue in the afternoons, and lots of elimination of things that don’t serve me. This new lifestyle has become so good for my physical, and mental health, and I will forever be grateful to you.

  • -Lily, Miami FL

    It was an amazing experience to be able to learn from Victoria. She has a wealth of knowledge regarding nutrition and bettering your body everyday. I learned how to prioritize my body and the connection within my body and my mind. She taught me the right way to cook, how to properly source nutritious foods and overall how to better my life in reference to nutrition. We regulated my cortisol levels, bettered my sleep, and I learned how to improve my life even though I have a hectic schedule. It was a true pleasure to work with Victoria and I look forward to work with her again in the near future to continue my health journey.

  • -Emily, Ft. Lauderdale

    Victoria has been so amazing from day one. She never made me or my husband feel like what we were doing was “wrong”. She has guided us both and shown us healthier ways of living in every aspect of our daily lives. We have made lifestyle changes that benefit not only us but our entire family. I am so happy we committed to making the recommended changes she has suggested for our family & will continue to work with her. She is beyond amazing and I highly recommend her.

  • -Radiance, Tampa FL

    My health was slowly declining before finding Victoria. I sought the help of many professionals but found no cause. She meticulously attended to me and, with love and compassion. I especially appreciate her inclusive gesture; she really made me feel safe, confident, and in control along my journey. I'm the happiest and healthiest I've been in a long time thanks to Victoria. I feel more excited about life than ever before! Who would have believed that good nutrition was the solution to all that had been wrong for so long? I don't remember how I found her, but I'm so grateful I did...she's truly a gem! My life is forever changed!!!

  • -Randy, Winnipeg Canada

    It was a good experience, helped me sort out digestion and nutrition issues, I continue to practice what I learned.

  • -Ezra, Davie FL

    Wonderful experience. Mrs. Bravo is very detailed and compassionate in her approach. She takes the individual's real-life situation and helps to develop a specific plan of action to improve quality of life.